Women's Department
Women’s ministry – Talitha Cumi is for women to realise that God has restored us back to His original plan, through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.
For women to understand that we all face struggles, sickness, grief, disease and even death at varying degrees, but all that is needed is a ‘Word’ from Jesus to break this perpetual cycle of deceit and feelings of failure. It is a word that will heal our past, transform our present and propel us towards an empowered and victorious future.
For Women to take a hold of the Word ‘TALITHA CUMI’ which means, Daughter Arise because it’s a Word that candry up any ‘issue’, loosen any infirmity, causing women to rise up out of their beds of affliction, placing us back into a position where we can maximise our full potential.
….motivated by Mark 5:22 –42; the raising of Jairus’ daughter. Verse 42 goes on to say ‘and straight way the damsel arose, and walked’.
As daughters being raised by Christ from our bed of affliction, we declare, proclaim and prophesy the mighty works of Christ as we stand as a living witness and testimony that God’s Word works.
Directing women back to their first call and purpose, which is to live a life of worship to God. For women to understand that true worship must be expressed in all our daily activities. This creates and develop a loving and trusting relationship with God our father.
Praying for and with women, so that they can rise up from a place of affliction and hopelessness and into a place of healing, breakthrough, optimism and faith.
To ignite and activate faith through teachings, seminars and workshops. Making God’s Word real, understandable and practical, so that our women can mature and progress towards complete healing and achieving (wholeness and purpose).
Developing a community environment so that women can network. This will be conducive for building relationships based on Godly love, service and fellowship.
To create an atmosphere where women can feel free to share their personal testimonies, gifts, talents and experiences, to inspire and strengthen each other for greater works.
- Empowering women to cast off negative beliefs, the ‘victim’ mindset and the ‘trapped’ mentality, helping them to break free, so that they share their experiences based on a personal transformation.
- Motivating and inspiring women to take a hold of the Words of Jesus ‘TALITHA CUMI’ (Daughter Arise). This word can dry up all ‘issues’, break all infirmities and rise us up out of any bed of affliction, positioning us into a place where we can be all that we were designed to be thus maximising our potential.
‘Lifting, Healing and Restoring the Woman to Fulfil her Maximum Potential’
(Isaiah 56:7 NKJVB)
‘Raising Daughters to Walk as Conquerors’